to fix this we reduced the scale to match the actual values and reduce the aspect ratio of the chart to better represent the temperature swings.
This is deceiving because it does not show the big differences between the different months, its streched out the graph while also reducing the visible temperature swings due to a ridicolous high y axis
Flipped the bar chart so it’s not deceiving and added x and y labels.
Here you can see that the creator has put the chart upside down to make it seem like the ‘Stand your ground’ law had decreased murders using firearms, instead it has increased.
Here we get a much better picture of the differences, and we can see that the differences are not that dramatic. Also, we have a label on the y axis which clarifies that it’s visitors and not something else. Added x and y labels Made the y axis start from 0 instead of 1.4M
Here the graph starts at 1.4 Million instead of 0. Making it seem like there is a huge difference between the visitation of the different national parks. While 2M versus 1.8 Million is not that big difference when you take the whole data into scale. Also, there are no X and Y-axis labels. Another problem is that some of the values of the bars are the same but the height is different.